Monday 19 February 2018

Research Project Self Reflection.

 In regards to structure I needed to ensure that I incorporated the following:
- Title Page
- Abstract
- List Of Contents
-  Introduction
- Research (Primary & Secondary)
- Conclusion
- Word Count & Bibliography

 I included all of these sections in my research project to produce an effective research project/book. When producing my research project I wanted to ensure that I included some pictures and also that I split the text up as much as I could, this way it would differentiate the separate sections. Content wise I didn't spot any grammatical errors and I was also happy with the text size and the gaps between each line, along with the gaps between paragraphs.
 The title matches the content inside the book as I explore different social media marketing campaigns in different businesses. I think that if the word count for the project was larger I would have been able to delve deeper into different campaigns, both in smaller businesses and larger businesses.  Having the word count limit it meant that I wasn't able to add everything I would ideally want to, I needed to sift through all the information (including primary and secondary research) to narrow it down to the specific question I was asking. I think after reading some peer's projects I would have liked to have my book reviews flow nicer into my question rather than having them as separate segments.
 Next I looked at my case studies, I produced three case studies on three different businesses and the digital marketing campaigns they produced, in these I inserted some pictures as well as some relevant statistics of success rate, this later helped me when it came to my conclusion. I think if I were to redo this or had the opportunity to extend the project further I would want to research into smaller businesses, perhaps more local businesses, to see if they use social media to their advantage.

 Once I had self assessed my work we each had to do a peer assessment, I received back my review and I gathered that...

  I clearly answered all the questions, and I also answered the question in my title exploring different methods of research really well. However Oscar came across a few spelling errors in my project but nothing too major. To finish it off he said he really liked the case studies I did and that they were all fast food based as it made it easier to understand and absorb the statistics I gave.
 To improve my project I was told that I could have perhaps gone more in depth in my book reviews, something in which I completely agree with, however given the word limit I had no choice but to cut them down as in my opinion they were the least important in regards to my research and overall idea of the project, by cutting something else down it wouldn't have made the research project as easy to understand in my opinion. Overall he said he thinks due to the internet articles, book reviews, in depth research and case studies it should receive a high merit/distinction.

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