Wednesday 17 January 2018

LJ Hugs - Presentation Reflection.


 After presenting my ideas to help further develop Lj Hugs street food brand to Lewis and Nick, I gathered some feedback and advice as well as positive feedback regarding my ideas, visuals and research. Firstly I gathered that my presentation contained good visuals and that I portrayed my potential ideas in a nice format. Next I was told that I had produced a "nice amount of research" however it was also suggested to me that I could have delved deeper into researching things such as printing costs for the posters, cards etc.

 In addition to this we had a discussion at the end in regards to the social media platforms, this being that in met research it came out that YouTube is the most popular and regularly used social site, making Lewis and Nick think about maybe using this site predominantly as opposed to Instagram. On the other hand I had already researched and thought about this because in my experience as a young college student using social media everyday (just like LJ's customers) a youtube channel wouldn't be something I would search for. So therefore by building his reputation and name of the company by word of mouth and through the more easily accessible sites such as Instagram and Facebook, we could then later build on the site YouTube where LJ could post tutorials, vlogs and more.

 When I went to think deeper about the feedback I got I also reflected on the potential YouTube channel and how we would get his channel name across to people. Firstly we discussed by having links at the bottom of the leaflets, therefore people could see that and google it, we then thought about when I produced the smaller 15 second Instagram tutorials, to have a direct link to a longer and more in depth version of it, this would encourage and entice new customers that have a passion for cooking nationwide, consequently effecting his sales on his online shop (seasonings etc)

What I have learnt
Throughout  this project I have learnt a lot about the importance of undertaking such  large amount of research, specifically when it comes to a real life client and their audience. I have been able to research into social media sites and their statistics as well as determine the most popular site used amongst college students. This has enabled me to 'meet in the middle' with this project and what I wanted to focus my time on, therefore creating an effective strategy Lewis could use for his business to increase customers of a different age demographic.
 Next time if I were to do a project like this I want to look into perhaps the more practical side of things such as printing costs and perhaps mock ups and prototypes from an actual print shop so that this would show the quality to a much higher standard.

 When reflecting on this project and the work I undertook I am also able to apply my newly acquired knowledge to work for my final major project as I want to focus on a product and advertising and marketing it online, therefore some of my research skills I have been able to sharpen in this project will later be useful to me.

 To conclude, in this project I have used a number of skills to focus on social media sites and also different demographics and how to reach them for a local street food business, in my final presentation where I showcase my ideas and findings I was told my visuals were very good, however I could next time research into printing costs to make it more reachable and give some figures, and to finish it off I was told that I had some in depth research and findings to present to them.

Wednesday 3 January 2018

LJ Hugs - Menu.

Redesigned Menu
 The final visual I wanted to create was a menu that would advertise the food and prices, as currently there is no menu to go around. I decided to produce this because by having a hand out of the menu floating around Bath, for example some handed out in Bath College etc, people would be more inclined to look at the menu and prices and head on over. Interestingly enough when having a group discussion in college, the majority of people aged 17-20 said that when browsing for food / restaurants the price list was very important. Therefore by doing this it gives people an idea of what LJ sells and the price, from there they can visit the shack and indulge into the atmosphere more inclined to buy something as they know the price ranges beforehand.

First attempt and experimentation with font and layout:

this was my finished product, I included the sauces along the side and included sides, main meals and more along with prices. I was happy with the outcome as I like the background showing the food and also the yellow box as this has been a consistent feature in the project for me.

If I were to re do this and redesign the menu I would want to add some fonts that included hand writing in some form, because although I tried in the 1st menu I couldn't find a consistent way of keeping the font the same and thought it looked to unprofessional, this is why I opted for a more easy to read and basic font. 
 I think by adding some drawings into the menu would also add some uniqueness and appeal so would like to have that, however I like how it turned out and think it does the job effectively.

Example of potential sketches that could be added to menus 

FMP Showcase.

To complete this year (and the previous year) off we held a showcase in the Apex Hotel in Bath. This finished off the final part of my FMP a...