Wednesday 2 May 2018

Advertisement Poster.

Bus Shelter
 The initial idea for this portion of my production was to produce a digital poster that would be displayed in a bus stop. I looked into printing an actual sized poster however they were huge and expensive so what you see in this blog post is my digital journey to producing the poster!

 Firstly I wanted to make it different to my YouTube ad, I wanted to line the products up as if it were a photoshoot of the products! I lined them all up and included some greenery.

 Above you can see my final product, including the instagram name ( as by having the website URL wouldn't be effective on a poster - no one would bother to remember!-) I experimented with different leaves however I didn't want it to look too similar to the products packaging. I also decided to experiment with the paint brushes to try and get the effect of a lipstick. It took few attempts to find the right texture I was looking for however I was happy with what I ended up with.

 Once I had created the poster showcasing my products I decided to actually create a little mock up getting an image from Google of a bus shelter, just to show what it would look like!


To conclude, this particular piece of production was just an addition to my other pieces of work, I wanted to show a variety of options and things I could create to market and sell my products, whether that be through social media, a website, YouTube advert or a poster! I think I have created a large array of work that varies in where the demographic would view the advertisements. I decided to create a bus shelter poster as I had in mind that my target audience often use public transport for work, school etc so by having it showcased at a bus shelter in town would be a perfect way to promote my brand. To justify my other reasons I would say that social media is the number one way to reach females aged 18-25, particularly YouTube as I found out in my LJ Hugs brief last year. It is a really effective way of reaching the right audience.

1 comment:

  1. Well done, especially the bus shelter mock up. The only issue I have from looking at these is that I don't think the lipstick smear works.


FMP Showcase.

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