Monday 7 May 2018

Focus Group - Final Designs.

Final Designs
 As the decline of May 10th comes around I decided I need to round off all my loose ends and evaluate my whole project. Firstly I needed to produce this very blog post that discusses the focus group I had a couple of days ago. I gathered some people in my target market to quickly answer some questions about my final designs and what they thought about them. I decided to ask three main questions to get the opinions across, and jotted down some of the more important and note - worthy answers as seen below!

 In this focus group I had brought along my mock up designs made form paper and explained my brand and whole idea and aims. The answers and overall response was very positive, I can see from a potential customers perspective it was hard at times to just focus on the packaging of the product as of course at the end of the day you buy a product for the product inside, not so much the cardboard it comes in! Despite this I think the responses I did receive really helped my project as it also allowed me to view my products from multiple points of view, as a designer, potential customer myself (as I fit in the target market audience) and also a customer who perhaps doesn't like packaging and the looks of things. 

As you will have seen in previous blog posts I have created posters and provided multiple screen shots from different angles of my products, however seeing as I had printed out and made my mock up that I would do a mini impromptu photoshoot with my iPhone and using VSCO to edit and out them together!

The material underneath is some 'holographic paper' I ordered from eBay at the beginning of this project that I thought I could potentially use for my mock ups, however as the designs got slightly more intricate and the paper quality not being the best I decided I could use it for purposes such as the above and in my sketchbook instead!

 By conducting this focus group and allowing people to physically see some of my products was really effective. It allows you as the creator to see what you've spent so long producing, researching and planning and to then see the reaction from someone was really interesting to me. Keeping that in mind I think by gathering these results in a more informative way )as opposed to another questionnaire) I have thought more about my demographic. The justification for this being that females aged 18-25 spend a lot of time on social media, hence why the previous questionnaires that were sent out on social media were effective for my specific brand and the questions I wanted answering, however when it comes to physical products, verbal communication is the most effective. I think the reason for that is that when you answer a survey you feel the need to be formal and really think about what you're going to say in order for your response to have an effect, however when it comes to a focus group you can see their facial expressions and their first thoughts and opinions, especially when surrounded by others as it sparks things such as 'this reminds me of...' 'I could see this as the next...'. 

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