Tuesday 1 May 2018

Weekly Reflection.

 Upon reflecting from my last reflection blog I have made a lot of progress in regards to moving forward with my project and 'get the ball rolling'. Once I had received my questionnaire results about my designs I was able to kick start the production of my final designs which then allowed me to see the overall aesthetic and 'vibe', consequently allowing me to begin the production of my website and more.

 The website creation part was by far the most interesting for me. At this time I hadn't had my final results and created any mock ups that look like how the real product would so I was just at the point of choosing templates and adjusting the pages and layout. I went through two templates and styles before I ended up with the one I have now, and I also needed to adjust the individual pages, including sizing, tabs, buttons and more. At this current moment I have produced my final designs which can be seen (here) meaning I can now insert them to the website. Once thing I really want to do in addition to this is when it comes to adding photographs of the products online I want to try and include some swatches or something extra rather than one image. I am also going to have a look about creating a 3D image to put on the website in the 'Shop' menu as this would make it more realistic looking. 


 As I have discussed in a blog post, when looking at my template on WIX I wanted to include some of my own images. This meant undertaking a photoshoot, I had the place time and date planned, along with a model and some 'smoke bomb' props. I wanted the images to be free flowing, I wanted them to express happiness and confidence without having a typical 'head shot' of a model with some eye shadow and lipstick on! By having mine in the woods around sunset time on a warm evening you can really tell the overall vibe through the pictures. I also contemplated bringing some material with holographic- like features to put in front of the lens to give a 'flare' like effect, however I couldn't find any with the qualities I wanted, therefore I will experiment with this on photoshop! 


 When looking at time scale and what I have left to do, I think it will be a push however it will be done. Realistically I need to...
  • Edit some photos with some form of holo merged into them some how
  • Create a photoshop document that lays my products out in a way that makes it look like a photoshoot had happened
  • Upload images to website and write description
  • Produce YouTube advert banner
  • Produce 'bus shelter' poster
These are all tasks in which will be time consuming however once I begin the edit I will be able to go through my tasks fairly quickly I think!

1 comment:

  1. Talk to me about a 3D mock up. You can do this in Illustrator.


FMP Showcase.

To complete this year (and the previous year) off we held a showcase in the Apex Hotel in Bath. This finished off the final part of my FMP a...