Tuesday 1 May 2018

Final Designs & Final Experimentations.

 After producing multiple digital mock ups ad a physical mock up of my product, it was time to finally produce the final versions of each product. To do this I decided to make each individual item (on Photoshop) and then make a net design of each item and what it would look like. Before I began the final products I had some font to add to my products of course which was something that needed some trial and error. I wanted to make my logo and overall design link up to the rest of the writing on my products, however I didn't want it to blend in and all become one.
 Below you can see some screen shots of my eye shadow palette and the change in colour and background of the name. Again like my logo I wanted to incorporate texture into my name so I creating clipping masks of some images, one of which included the smoke from the photoshoot.

Pink smoke used as clipping mask

Same image as logo and leaves 

Image used for background of website used for name of palette

My favourite one would be the last because of the way I incorporated the image that links to the website and it also incorporates holographic theme, keeping it all linked together to have consistency throughout. I have inserted below some screenshots of my netting in progress, using specific measurements in order to print them out and make physical mock-ups. 


I decided for the 'flaps' of my products packaging, rather than having them plain black I would put the holographic photo that I used as a clipping mask for my logo, again to give the product some consistency as well as some more colour and interest to the packaging.

Final Designs
 Once I had done some final tweaks to my packaging I was able to fully complete al three products (Lipstick, Eye shadow & foundation). This happened later than anticipated when looking back on my time scale, however moving positively forward it now means I can produce my mock up photos for my website, poster and YouTube Ad. I think when it comes to the YouTube Ad I will use photoshop, but to present my work I want to perhaps try and incorporate it into my website as an image that is mocked up to be an advert. The issue with my proposed YouTube advert idea is of course I cannot pay and make an advert for a brand that doesn't really exist. 

PhotoShoot Final Images
 As briefly shown in my BTS photoshoot I briefly played around with the images I had taken, trying to incorporate some holo into the images in a doodle way! This for me was unsuccessful as it didn't give me the overall aesthetic I wanted to achieve so I therefore did some more experimentation as seen in some screen shots below:


These images were really fun to experiment with using a variety of images curtesy of Google, to give some texture to a photo and some more depth. These are the types of images I want to have dotted around my site as the colour of the smoke in the foreground along with the tress in the background relate to both the colour of my products themselves as well as the packaging. For some it may be easy to perhaps see no obvious link or correlation to my products however when I was researching existing beauty websites 8 out of the 10 sites I explored featured photos of models in perhaps an 'unrelated scene' BUT they showed the type of person to perhaps use their products, the setting often reflected the product of the brands ideas and inspiration etc. The direction this has taken me has allowed me to add some real photographs into my website and production process as I have now created my digital versions of my products!

 I also decided to quickly produce a little collage consisting of some of the images I will be using, and ones that I couldn't fit in to my brand and direction specifically but I thought it would be worth adding into this post to show my experience and direction my final project has moved to. I knew the time and aesthetic I wanted to achieve with this photoshoot, however with things like this it's also orate trying some shots even that aren't planned just incase they can be relevant, or even if they're just to experiment with!

 As my production has come to a conclusion I can now move forward to creating a blog post showing my website and then also begin to look for way to improve my work. I have in fact done a focus group with peers that are in my demographic discussing my products and website and any possible improvements which will be discussed briefly in a blog post to come! As of right now I need to go back on my timesheet and update everything adding links to my own spreadsheets to get everything organised and easier for the markers to view my work!

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