Wednesday 28 September 2016

Peer Assessment.

Peer Assessment

Why do we peer assess?  By peer assessing we are able to gain other peoples opinions and receive feedback in which shows us where we have gone wrong and potential ares to improve, this helps both the creator as well as the assessor as we can get the feedback and improve our videos/ideas, but we can also get used to sharing our opinions and improving our feedback skills.

Lola's Film

Today I reviewed Lola's silent film and Lola gave me feedback on mine. Firstly I noticed that her filmed was excellently edited together and flowed nicely together which made the story line easier to follow. There was a clear good use of slapstick humour, visibly adhering to the style of silent films and Charlie Chaplin.
      As well as this I liked the different angles and shots used, by using multiple shots it allows us to give an idea of the location, as silent films do not move the camera whilst filming, therefore I like how they could incorporate this into their video. The length of the video is also good because it is nearly 60 seconds long, however my criticism would be that the storyline could perhaps be extended slightly, just to make the idea of the film slightly clearer. The audio Lola decided to use is also very effective because it again adheres to the key points of a silent film, I think that it fitted nicely with the footage.
   To conclude, I really liked the video 'Ouch!' because you can clearly see all the points of a silent film and how they were thought about when creating this, the length as well as the fact the footage was sped up and turned black and white shows the thought process between making a film with modern equipment and turning it to look like an old silent film, like Charlie Chaplin.


Received Feedback

Lola reviewed my short silent film and said that she liked the idea of the story line, the music choice was also good. However the footage and overall film could have been longer, which I completely agree with, as it is only 14 seconds long. In addition to this the storyline could also be developed by perhaps showing the boy stealing.
    In addition to these points she did however express that I could have involved more expression and emotion in the actors in the film, this is an area I would also like to improve as because there is no audio, the film must be acted out and be very over the top in order to convey the emotions. Lastly she liked the camera angles and steady shots which is something as a group we specifically thought about in order to properly adhere to the likes of previous silent films like Charlie Chaplin.

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