Monday 25 September 2017

Marketing Strategy.

5 P's Of Marketing

  • Product (what?)
  • Price (how?)
  • Promotion (when?)
  • Place (where?)
  • People (who?)

 My product is an item of clothing and a bag, the pattern and design will be a mixture of Cath Kidston and Kendall Jenner, to produce and item that 'meets in the middle' both with the visual and aesthetic of the products, and with the target market and audience.

 After conducting the survey, 40% of the responses said that they would be happy to spend between £40-£60 on a good quality item of clothing/ an accessory. 26% said they wanted to spend £30 and under, therefore I feel like I could somehow meet in the middle roughly, creating a product with good quality materials that the target audience can afford and will appreciate.

 For the promotion of my products social media will play a big role, as the target market is young adults, this is the best way of reaching them directly. This can be done on Kendall Jenner's profile as well as Cath Kidston as Kendall has a massive following of 83.5 million, where as Cath Kidston only have 383 thousand. In addition to the platform Instagram that I will use, there could also be a launch party/ celebration. By doing this, the influencer Kendall, will invite friends / family to attend the launch, by them attending alone will cause attention, then on top of that their use of social media at the event will also draw attention and could up sales.

 In regards to the place in which I will promote I can use things such as fashion week, or Keeping Up With The Kardashians episodes, as this reaches a wide range of people and also the target audience, in addition to that an episode of their show could also show my making and 'behind the scenes' of the process, showing a few snippets of something such as the photoshoot, this would add air time that focuses on the product and also adds interest to it too.

 As previously discussed, the people that will promote and add to the marketing strategy will largely be the Kardashian family, as every member is in the public eye and are somewhat involved in fashion and style.

3 Different Forms Of Promotion
  • Poster
  • Adverts
  • Flyers
  • Social Media 
  • QR Codes
  • GeoFilters

Upon discussion, i've decided my three ways of promotion to be Social Media, in particular Instagram, I also want to use Snapchat by creating a geo filter and lastly I will use an advert in a fashion magazine

Thursday 21 September 2017

Concepts For display Board.

Layout & Fonts

For the display board we were told to create a font/ a way of arranging the quote " It doesn't get easier, you just get better". Initially I created a way of arranging my letters so that there was some form of 3D element. For inspiration I looked at Craig and Karl, their colours and 3D visuals is what made me want to do something similar.

Below is my initial design of lettering :

 I initially liked the way it flowed and thought that visually it could look good on a board, so as a group we went round to everyone's computer and looked at their designs. Upon review to my own design, I realised that I wasn't too happy with my colour scheme and I thought that when looking at other's work they really included student life into their designs.
 As a class we then chose 3 of the concepts we liked most, those were Brandon's - with the shapes and colours he incorporated,

Oscar's- with the idea of having photographs behind the lettering

 and finally Angel- using her idea of having train tickets and things related to students. 

 Next we were split into pairs and were each given a board, this is where Lola and I needed to merge all of the concepts together to created our own display. 

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Primary Research.

 In order to gather some further information about my target audience I decided to create a questionnaire asking some brief questions on the brand Cath Kidston, Kendall Jenner, and some general questions about the people answering, for example age, gender, employment etc. This was so I could get a general gauge on whether my target audience know the celebrity, and brand I was using. I posted it to the class Facebook page, firstly to get a decent amount of responses from the age group I wanted, and also because I thought by using social media to contact and interact with the audience it would be more successful, where as printing surveys and handing them out would be something I would be more inclined to do for older people and generations. This is something I will bare in mind for when it comes to advertising and marketing, really focus on the online world!

 Upon reviewing my results I received 15 responses, a number large enough for me to review and reflect. From my results I've created an infographic that displays all my results :

From my results it is clear to me that the females who answered the questionnaire have heard of and like Kendall's style which is the exact feedback I was looking for. I was hoping to achieve results like this so that I can have reassurance that Kendall Jenner would be the person to promote and do the whole rebrand with, for example if my results came back and people hadn't of heard of her and didn't really like her style, it would be time for me to reconsider my celebrity. 

Monday 11 September 2017

Cath Kidston Rebrand.

Cath Kidston History

  The brand Cath Kidston aims to offer a 'homely' vibe, by using floral patterns and keeping it very 'English countryside'. In this sense it grasps the attention of the elder community  (females), and the elderly more in particular as the brand began in 1994, so is a familiar brand to them, not too recent and 'updated' but also not too old and 'vintage'.  I performed some research and the information it gave me was that the brand 'aim to the typical housewife with the 40's/50's' aesthetic'. On the contrary to this, the brand also offers a range of children's wear (very little male clothing) and boast to appeal from '16 year olds to 46 year olds'. The clothing and accessories it offers are mainly bags and clothing, handbags being their best seller, followed by coats and outer wear. Their best sellers however also include mugs and watches, both products being mainly aimed at the older audience/ the audience with a family, homeowners and the like.

  The brand are starting to introduce new products such as laptop and phone cases, these appealing to the younger generations and in addition to this they also offer 10% student discount, really reaching the younger audience.
 In regards to competition, the brand offers clothing, accessories and also homeware as they provide bedding, kitchen ware etc. There isn't a particular competitor on the market as they all can apply in some sense, for example Claire's Accessories, the difference being however Claire's appeal to slightly younger audiences and not elderly, this is the same as a lot of other brands on the market.

My Idea

 My idea for a rebrand for Cath Kidston was to change up the target audience ever so slightly, to appeal to the slighter younger end of the scale. I though of a collaboration with a celebrity, like other brands are doing and doing so successfully, for example Rihanna X Puma. For this I needed to think of a suitable celebrity in which would appeal to teenagers / early - mid twenties, that is suitable in not only age but style and 'profession'. By picking someone that is in to the fashion industry would boost sales and attraction to the product. Kendall Jenner was someone who came to mind as she's always in the public eye and is very influential for the younger generations, both in a fashion sense (what she wears, they wear) and a mind sense.
 Although this collaboration wouldn't reach a whole 'ew' target audience, it would shine some light and appeal to the younger generation Cath Kidston boats to reach. There was of course the option to produce products aimed more for men, however I think by using Kendall to promote clothing / bag / some accessory it could create a whole new world, that can later be added to (males). I had this thought as now a days a lot of things, such as fashion, don't have a label on them as much as they would have 10 years ago, what women wear, men can wear, and visa versa. SO by initially having Kendall come out with a predominantly female based product (s), it can open up the world of fashion and accessories Cath Kidston provide to males, perhaps with a different collaborator.

 As for now I can distinguish the specific younger audience Cath Kidston aim at by visiting the store and seeing the customers as well as products, and the same for Kendall, I can see who she's worked with already and the type of brands she associates herself and her brand with, and look further into their target audience. In addition to this I can create a survey / questionnaire to give out, asking questions such as age, are they employed (this would influence the price of the finished product), what influencers/ artists they like (this would give a good view of the people they look up to and how, for example on tv, magazines, instagram etc)

Kendall&Kylie Collab
  When it comes to price range, Cath Kidston's price range is quite high, for example a faux fur coat - the one in which gave me initial inspiration- retails at £160, so to most teenagers an unrealistic price.However saying that, Cath Kidston seem to appeal to perhaps 'middle/upper class' families, therefore for a good quality faux fur coat from a well trusted good quality brand, £160 is good! As previously mentioned, I would need to carry out research into Kendall, for example she did a collaboration with High street brand TopShop, a clothes shop in which is very appealing to the audience I am aiming at. In this collection there was in fact a floral top and the items were very girly, fitting the aesthetic of Cath Kidston. This will be further researched and analysed.

 Once I have completed the further secondary research on Kendall's brand and collaborations I am able to draw inspiration from those brands and incorporate different aspects of that into my project.
 In regards to the physical idea, I was going to create a coat and bag, the main focus being Faux material as although the faux fur coat they currently have on sale is fake, their handbags are still made of leather, so I want one of the main factor of the collaboration to be against the use of animal skin etc ( like the brand Lush with their products), taking a more ethical route than Cath kidston currently are on.

Links :

Kendall Research.

Secondary Research

 In terms of Kendall Jenner I wanted to go more into her brand and what she's previously worked with as the brand such as Topshop and her collaboration with Kylie and their Pacsun collection. These both having the target audience I want to reach and would give me inspiration and ideas as to what Kendall wears and likes creating, so that I can make sure the product I create is something that she would actually wear.
Back when her and Kylie did collection with Topshop, it ranged from tops to dresses and were very summer inspired. By looking at the items they are also very American weather- based, in my opinion, as it's a summer collection, and British summers aren't stereotypically 'shorts and t-shirt weather'. This is something to take into consideration because I still want to keep the British sense to Cath Kidston, by creating the coat etc. It is also slightly ironic as floral prints are associated with summer clothing and accessories, but as mentioned British summers tend to be quite dull, so by introducing an American influencer to promote and rebrand the company it would also draw in a different audience, not age, but the demographic and location in which the audience would come from.

 The Pacsun collection in which Kendall and Kylie produced feature a number of floral prints, and the target audience for that is also teens / people in their 20's. This fits perfectly as I could have chosen someone to promote the rebrand that doesn't have any link to that particular fashion, i.e floral prints. 

 The target audience for both of these collaborations are the same that I am aiming to grasp as well in my Cath Kidston rebrand, what I can gather from both of these collaborations is that Kendall not only models but designs clothes for other brands for the same target audience I had in mind, meaning she is appropriate for the role in different senses. Shops such as topshop are primarily young women who want to wear the latest trends, and will wear what celebrities wear and make popular.

The Mashup

In order to show a good mix between the brand Cath Kidston and Kendall, I decided to gather some images of Kendall wearing 'casual' clothing (in which will be the inspiration and general 'usage' of the collection) and mashed it up with some of the Cath Kinston products in which she could have used with the outfit, similar to what she has, what what would be a good alternative!

I chose these images in particular as a very key theme in Kendall's casual wear is band tee's , leather jackets, and relaxed, effortless fashion. My idea to produce a bag and jacket (and perhaps an accessory) would mirror her casual style and undertones she wears, however with a Cath Kinston twist, so adding some floral and accent colours to brighten up a typically dark outfit. Kendall's colour palette seems to be very dark, much like some pieces in the Disney x Cath Kinston collection, so in that sense it doesn't 'worry' me as it wouldn't be a typical colour palette for the brand, as it has been done before - and successfully!

FMP Showcase.

To complete this year (and the previous year) off we held a showcase in the Apex Hotel in Bath. This finished off the final part of my FMP a...