Friday 14 October 2016

Mashup Poster Part II : Peer & Self Feedback.

Personal Review

Prior to this blog post I had made an entry regarding the specifics as to how and why I created my mashup poster which included thought processes regarding layout, fonts which can be found here.
   In regards to personal development I have over the past few weeks become more and more comfortable with using Adobe Photoshop to alter images and create new ones. Some tasks seemed to be more difficult than others however by learning photoshop basics and applying this to my creativity it has allowed me to produce my mashup poster in which I am happy about. Before this I had not used Photoshop and only had brief knowledge on things such as layers in order to create an image, I think I picked it up quickly as I am now confident enough to use the software to create a poster and alter images to the way I want them to be seen.
     When set this task I liked being able to be creative and pick my own films/ TV series in which I would mashup as it gives you more freedom. I found it difficult to find pictures of the characters with their heads in the right positions, as well as this skin tone was also a difficult thing to match, hence why I needed to in and alter the colour balance (reducing blue tones etc). I also found it challenging to use all of the space on the poster, like the space between the title and where the characters are sat, therefore I decided to add bird silhouettes as I had seen these used in a previous poster and thought it was relevant and took up enough space without taking away from the main aspect of the poster.
    On the contrary to these points I gathered some peer assessment in which told me the poster was humorous, and that the colours blended well together and portrayed the both of the TV series as they are both dark ( dark blue and clouds blended well with this). As well as this they said I had relevant information included in the poster such as the release date and review in the bottom right hand corner. However to improve my poster I could possibly enlarge the title or make it bolder so it is easier to read, both for aesthetics and perhaps those who have reading difficulties etc, by making the title larger and bolder it would also be easier to view from far away. As briefly discussed and as shown as an example in my Part 1 post, I also think it would be an advantage to make the slogan white in colour as currently it seems to blend in slightly with the dark clouds at the top of the poster, by altering this it would also add to the visuals of the poster and how easy it is to read.

     For this task in particular I have learnt to alter the colour balance in faces, allowing me to mix and match heads to different bodies and making it blend as realistically as I could. In addition to this I used the very simple Magic Wand Tool in which I had not previously used, I used this to remove white from the background of the title, making it very sharp and precise compared to if I were to use the lasso tool or quick selection tool.

     Next time if I were to create another mashup poster or poster with similar challenges involved I would like to challenge myself further and perhaps mix more than two series together, and using a different background or main image in the foreground as apposed to the way I created it. As well as this I would like to use the space more effectively, not leaving as much gap between the main title and picture. On the contrary to this point I do however like it not being too 'cluttered' as from an audience perspective I personally don't like it when posters are filled with production details and multiple reviews / quotes from companies as it draws away from the whole point of the poster and can change your opinion on the film.

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