Wednesday 8 February 2017

Final LookBook.


 After the photoshoot had taken place I went on to edit the photos using 'VSCO' cam and photoshop. The initial edit I did was to change the exposure, shadow, tint and general appearance to fit the aesthetic I wanted to achieve, a few of these can be seen as below:

  I next went onto photoshop to edit my branding on the images from the shoot, this was very simple so I was able to quickly go onto In Design to do my final look book. Upon looking at my plan and then the final execution of the project was interesting as I decided to do the layout different to how I planned. Initially I wanted to do it horizontal, however when editing the images I discovered that when it will be printed I think it would look better in portrait. A few screenshots of my final look book are as below:

      On the third page I decided to add some more text, this included where the clothes come from, however due to time restraints I didn't get the final layout and look I wanted, so I made it work. If I were to go back and improve this I would add more text on another page and ensure there wasn't a white background as it doesn't look good and I personally do not like it.
  Through doing this project I discovered that this has been the most enjoyable for me, I enjoyed every aspect of this, including the planning (location hunting) as well as taking the photographs myself in the locations, then editing them and putting them in to the right layout that looks aesthetically pleasing. I would be more than happy to do this again, or a different version of this, for example a video type look book.

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