Wednesday 22 February 2017

LookBook Feedback.


 Upon creating my final look book and first draft printed, I was able to collect opinions and feedback from peers as to what they thought was good and what could be changed about it etc. I created a google sheet in which I asked 7 questions, these included 'what things do yo particularly like', 'do you think the font is appropriate?', 'would you buy any of the items' etc. Asking these questions allowed me to gain constructive criticism on my project which will help me next time I create something like this.
  What two things do you like about the look book?
  This was the first question I asked, the feedback I received was hat the layout of the book was good, the images used made it look professional and also gave it individuality. In addition to this, one peer liked the colour theme I used. These are points in which I agree with, I was really happy with the photographs and editing I done on them, I also really enjoyed it.

  Do you think the font is appropriate?
 The font for the brand was described as 'classic', however in addition to this point, the peer also said that it doesn't however flow throughout the look book. In my opinion the font for the brand should stay consistent throughout, so when writing my blurb and brief description I wanted to use a different font, this would differentiate between the clothing, and other pieces of text. Saying this, if I didn't use such a 'classic' and 'old style' font I would consider having the captions, descriptions and other pieces of text in the same font.
  Lastly I also received points that the classic old style fits in well with the brand and aesthetic and that the formal look and font fits well with the overall layout.

 What do you like about the layout?
 I gathered feedback that was very similar for this question, all of the feedback said that the use of full images gave it consistency and a quality look. The double page spread was also described as 'fitting really nice'. By having multiple images on one page it also gave readers a good variety and a lot to look at. I would like to agree with these points as I wanted to ensure I had a page or two which consisted of multiple images layered, this gave the finishing aesthetic I wanted.

 What two things would you change/improve?
 The comments for this question were very similar and consistent, they described the different use of fonts and how it doesn't link together, as previously explained. In addition to this I was told adding more text to describe and elaborate on the brand would be useful, this is a point I agree with the most. In my opinion I wanted to add some more text to the images and I wasn't happy with my last page as I rushed it. Next time I create a project like this I will ensure to provide more information on the brand itself as well as the images, almost like a description. 

 Do you think the imagery is appropriate? 
 All feedback for this question was positive, all saying yes and that the model,logo and pieces of clothing fit nicely together. When creating this project this is something I wanted to ensure I did as a look book is all about visuals, I wanted to make sure the colour theme, locations and over all layout all linked together and would represent the brand in a way I envisioned.

 Would you buy any of the items of clothing?
 This was a mixed response, half of the peers said that they would purchase the clothing as they have been well edited together, and the other half said they would not. One reason being because of the gender of the peer. When creating this I didn't actually assess and think about what gender I am aiming my clothing at, as my ideas progressed and I realised I was creating a t-shirt and black hoodie, I would like to think it would be appropriate for male and female, however I can see that it is a more feminine brand, including the logo and choice of colour for the logo and over all aesthetic and colours for the look book were more feminine than masculine.

 Is there anything you would add to the look book (texts, images)?
 One point said to add a few more shots of the garments, a point in which I agree with. The other feedback point said to perhaps extend the clothing line itself, adding more hoodies and a winter coat. These suggestions are very useful as I now know that for next time I will include a lot more shots and angles of the clothing to give a better idea. The suggestion of adding more clothes itself is interesting as I will add this to a future look book or project.

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