Tuesday 9 May 2017

Questionnaire Results.


After producing my questionnaire to gather feedback on my product I received a number of responses for me to reflect and analyse. The initial idea was to aim this questionnaire on things that could be changed and or improved so that any amendments could be done before I sent it to print. I did in fact change slightly my article 'High End vs High Street', this will be discussed later.
 So, after looking at my results I now know what my target audience like and would change! So far I got a positive response towards my product with only a few responses saying they wouldn't read it/ didn't like the overall aesthetic. The question in which I can take the best constructive criticism from would be 'What improvements would you make?' this being that because it was an open question and people can say what ever they want. From the way in which the answers are presented it's difficult to see here, however I got a mixture of responses, some saying 'more text' then on the other hand some requested 'more images'. This was interesting to me as in my research prior to creating anything, my target audience said, roughly 50/50, that they prefer text based and image based. This was difficult for me then as roughly half said they prefer reading text whilst the other prefer image based magazines. 
 This questionnaire was not as successful as I anticipated, although the majority of the comments were positive and that people liked my magazine, it didn't give me much to build on and change!

 This next question was interesting as a lot of people liked page 2, although this wasn't necessarily constructive criticism in terms of helping me change and alter my magazine, it will help when it comes to my evaluation as I can use these results to discuss my project and the outcome of it.

 In terms of written content I gathered useful feedback from the question 'what are your thoughts on the articles'. The majority of the responses said they looked interesting, colourful and informative. What I did realise is that due to the online version having to be a screen recording for me to insert it into the Google Form, the quality dropped slightly, consequently meaning they were hard to read. This was my fault as I couldn't find another way to link the articles in an effective and easy way for everyone to have access too. Regardless, I was able to gather a few comments regarding them, upon reviewing this I am able to know that when i produce my final set of results I will do a focus group/ something more 'personal'. This being that I want my last bit of feedback that comes from peers and my target audience to be more relaxed, like a conversation. I plan to show a number of people my physical version and gather feedback from that, making notes as to what they say! 

   However something I did do was change the layout very slightly of one of my articles as mentioned before, I decided to do this as when I looked at the preview of my magazine I found that there was a lot of 'blank' space that I personally didn't like the look of. 


 To the left, shows the change in my layout for one of my articles, after seeing the digital version layers out with the rest of the spread decided that the first version seemed empty or a bit blank so I decided to add another rectangle with the opacity turned down, down the centre of the page. I think this makes it look a bit more 'put together' and will also help blend with the the other purples used in the magazine.

 So despite this questionnaire not being the most successful, I have learnt that in order to gather more critical responses, it may be best to talk to people and converse, discussing the project as opposed to having a set of questions that may be difficult to answer due to how the magazine is being presented to them. On the other hand, this has been a success as it has taught me that in order to progress and get better advice, I need to alter the way I gather the feedback, consequently teaching me that for my evaluation I will do the process slightly differently. 

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