Thursday 19 October 2017

Typography Project.

For this project we needed to produce a quote "it doesn't get easier, you just get better". Lola and I teamed up and had the two words 'Get, Get'. The main elements in which we needed to incorporate were:

  • 3D elements 
  • Train tickets
  • Photography
For this we decided to get an instant camera and take photographs around college and bath, showing the life of a bath college student, and manipulate them around the cardboard we had cut out. We decided to cut the letters out on cardboard before sticking the train tickets directly onto the boards in order to make the 3D element more intense.
 Once we had done this, we moved onto the train tickets, gain we decided to manipulate them and wrap them around the cardboard to give a nice 3d effect. We used lots of individual tickets and layered them on top of one another, this helped the effect and made it look more 'DIY' rather than perfect.

- Creating and getting the photographs.
- Manipulating the lettering to make it 3D and visible.

- Measuring / sizing to fit the board correctly.
- Consistency / individuality, all the letters ended up being either photographs or train tickets, however we initially planned having every letter to be individual.

- Materials
- Creativity
- Support

- Time
- Illness
- Neatness of cardboard cutting!

 Over all I think the three things we did well in this was creating the individual letters and getting the photographs for them. We wanted to make it individual, yet unique to college and college life in the city, and I think it represents our ideas and portrays them very well. Our creativeness with the film that also came with the disposables also came in handy as we were able to wrap them round one of the letters to again make it more individual and unique. Lastly I think we did well at timescale. I missed one lesson due to illness and we also had difficulty cutting out the 'G' in particular on cardboard as the crevasses were difficult to cut on such thick card. 

   I think that the 3 things we could improve for next time would be the execution of it. Again with the cardboard there is most likely a better and more effective way of producing this to make it more 'flush'. Next I think sizing is something we could think about. I initially roughly sized up the letters to ensure we filled the board and didn't make them too big or too small, however when we involved the cardboard I soon came to the realisation that we had in fact gone over the board ever so slightly, so therefore next time I can ensure we measure exactly and just be a bit more precise. Lastly I think that we could have improved the individuality of the letters, doing this by making every letter unique and different in some type of way, this would add more interest and make it also stick out a bit more!

Monday 16 October 2017

Pitch Reflection.

The Pitch
 After presenting my pitch I was given a good amount of positive, constructive criticism regarding the rebrand. To reflect on my presentation from a personal point of view before I presented it, I thought that my slides contained the information I needed to convey my idea. It included the history of the brand, current audience, product idea, concept, visuals and promoting and marketing strategies.

  So the feedback I received from my presentation was that overall my presenting was good, my slides and visuals were also really impressive and conveyed the crossover between the two companies. However I need to think about the fact Kendall is an American celebrity, so this would reach worldwide, so would Cath Kidston pop up in other shops with this collection ( Topshop, forever 21, etc) or would they extend their chain to America.
 This was a really good point as if I were to go ahead with this idea I would need to think of the fact that it would reach internationally more so than nationally, so although it would work here and promote the ideas well here, I need to consider the current market overseas. So although the online store would of course still be effective, I would need to think and do more primary / secondary research regarding stores.

 Next we discussed the current audience of Cath Kidston and how they could potentially react to a young celebrity (sex symbol?) coming into the brand and perhaps changing the classic countryside motherly vibe it has. Although for this point I do have the argument that it is just a collection with Kendall, not changing the brand itself, and Cath Kidston have done many different collections with brands, such as disney, but that doesn't mean the entire brand changes its values and origin.
 On the other hand I can see the point they have, as if the collection went really well, the demographic would entirely change, making it more young adults rather than elderly women, so the brand may then decide they're making more money this way and need to change to keep up to date and relevant in the industry.

 In regards to the physical presentation, I looked at my slides too much. I had produced some notes with my information on, however when it came to presenting I found it easier to look at my slides on the projector as this visually reminded me of what I was talking about. Next time I have a presentation I don't want to look at the board as much and also want to use more eye contact. In addition to this I forgot to introduce myself , I introduced my presentation and gave an over view, however didn't say my name. This being that I was presenting to two teachers who know me and someone from a related industry, I almost forgot that they don't know me! So this is defiantly something I need to remember for next time and for future projects / work.

 In regards to positive feedback, I was told that I produced a good mixture between Kendall and Cath Kidston, they admitted they found it difficult to imagine at the beginning of my pitch as she is typically a grungy style and Cath Kidston couldn't be more opposite! However after seeing my visuals and mock ups they said they thought it was a really good balance between keeping Cath Kidston true to itself, but also incorporating Kendall and her style!

Lastly, Matt said that my ways of promoting (social media) was really effective, realistic and largely used. He said that the more traditional ways of promoting such as adverts on television aren't always the most effective, as I found out in my research!
 To conclude, I have been able to take my constructive criticism and turn it into learning curves for next time I present my idea. I know the points I need to improve and I will apply these points to my next presentation.

Wednesday 11 October 2017


 For this section in the brief we had to create a logo for ourselves/ a brand we want to create in the future. I decided to create one for me, as I still am not 100% sure what I want to be, so below you can see my progress making this logo.
 I chose the font based off the font's I like to use in my work, as well as the colours. I tried to keep it very soft and subtle, but also creative, rather than just my name! I also incorporated shapes and a little bit of imagery as without it, I thought it looked a little bit plain!

I produced two designs, as when I had created the first one I found it to look almost 'unfinished' and I just wan't happy with the outcome and didn't think it looked good enough.

Design 1

Design 2

My two designs have a running theme of font, colour and simplicity. In the future I want to do something involved with media and creativity, something along the lines of social / digital media marketing, so in this case I decided to get a little bit creative with my logo!
 In regards to why I chose these colours and why they reflect me, I think they do as I like sticking to more subtle colours and tools, for example the faded brush and dusty pink makes it look very soft and 'water colour' like, and this is a tool I really like to incorporate into my work when I can. In addition to this, as previously mentioned, the font flows very nicely and all together I think it works well with the aesthetic I like to typically produce.

Marketing Visuals.


 As previously explained, I have chosen three different ways in which I will market and promote my collaboration, Snapchat, Instagram and a magazine! Below you can see the mock up's I produced, just using my initial sketches and some other imagery to give an idea of what it would look like.


 This is an example of what the geo filter could look like, to the left you see the nearest location in which the collection is available to you, and you can also see the title and two of the products. This gives those an idea of what the collaboration is (clothing/ accessories) and also lets them know what companies are involved, by also adding the nearest location available to them, it allows them to know exactly where they can go to look and purchase the items! If I were to improve this, I would want to make the drawings good, and also add a website link that can directly take you to the site it's available at. I could also have play around with font colours, as Cath Kinston's font is currently red, so I think I would incorporate that into it.


 This is an example of the type of promotion I would do on instagram. It would be a visual of the brand and what it has to offer. Ideally it would be Kendall wearing the products, however I of course had to improvise! As you can see it sticks out of her feed, so if she was wearing or holding the product it would make the customers more engaged and likely to buy, as it seems more personal and not just a post a brand could have posted on her behalf!


 Lastly shows my advertisement that could be in a magazine, it is similar to the instagram post, however I tried to incorporate Kendall, and some background. I added some floral print to the background subtly, and some dusty pink water effect try and link everything together! If this were to be done properly, I would want to lay it out in a better way and perp hap more portrait as opposed to landscape as that would sit better in a magazine.

Rebrand Sketch Ideas.

 Initial sketches
 In order to visually show what my products for the re brand will look like I done some sketches on Photoshop. I played around with colours and floral patterns to give a little idea before I make my final ideas. The ideas below show my initial sketches for the bag I want to design, the colours I wanted to use were dark, so that the small floral prints were the brighter.

Next I decided to create a coat, the dusty pink is what I intend to be faux fur and the dark material will be the running theme throughout the collection:

 These sketches portray my ideas visually as to what I want the collection to look like, I think they give a good representation of my vision for the collaboration/rebrand. In addition to these 2 products I also want to create more for the collection, however these were the two main ideas I was going to show, the reason being that outerwear and bags are their top sellers, so in order to stick to Cath Kidson's popular items I thought I would create these!
 Next I want to lay them out in a way that would give it justice, for example if this were to happen, what would it look like on their website? Would there be posters for advertisements in magazines?...

Presentation Review.

For this I decided to watch the Dragon's Den investment and write my thoughts on it:

Topic- The topic of this presentation was Waste Management Company. The man pitching his idea wanted £20,000 in order to increase the number of vehicles and also to relocate to a London address, in order to be closer to clients. He discussed the company's turnover's , injecting figures to impress the dragons.
 He kept it very simple and to the point, stating what the dragons would get out of it, how much he would need etc. When pitching he had 5 models of the bins to show, and also a 'poster' showing what each colour represents, this kept it very visual and engaging.

 Intro- His introduction was very short and to the point. He introduced himself, his company and why he was here. This was good as it then gives people an idea about the person and business, let's them know what it is all about, and also shows confidence.

During the pitch, specifically questions and answers, he managed to keep his composure and answer the questions in a professional manner, portraying a good sense of character about the person and also  it shows he knows his facts. He did not hesitate on any question they fired his way. In regards to the presentation 'sticking' in my mind or being 'memorable' there wasn't actually a specific point I remembered as such. In regards to entertainment or more visuals, I wasn't shown too much that I can remember, some people tend to use humour in their pitches therefore making a mark in your mind. So although it wasn't necessarily memorable to me personally ( could also be the content as to why it wasn't memorable!) he used facts in short bursts, adding figures and kept it very straight forward.

 In my presentation I want to...

  • Keep things simple, not baffle on about my idea.
  • Show visuals
  • Engage with the people in the room

 To conclude, I think this wasn't the best of presentations i've seen in terms of interest or sticking in your mind, however the objects and props he brought along made his idea and business come to life. His way of giving bursts of figures, short facts and keeping his reasons simple for being there was however good, it meant that it didn't drag on and that it was all necessary information the dragon's needed to know.


Monday 2 October 2017

Promotion Ideas.


When researching promotion strategies I decided upon 3 different forms I intend to use. Firstly I looked at Snapchat Geo Filters. This was something I wanted to use because in regards to social media -the platform in which Kendall was essentially 'made' on- snapchat is a popular and commonly used and loved app that the majority of people have and use on a daily basis. I had a go at visually creating a Geo filter as shown below:

 This was very easy to create, but would need to include some other visuals, so therefore when I create my mock up to show what it would look like I might be best off using Photoshop to convey my visuals.
 Once I've created my products on Photoshop/illustrator  I will be able to upload them to the website 'Geo Filters Snapchat' and create my own filter. In regards to who can get this filter I need to decide how it is done. For example when Ed Sheeran was releasing his new music, he collaborated with snapchat to create a new facial filter that had his music playing in the background, just before he released it. This was worldwide to anyone who had snapchat. However Geo Filters are slightly different as they are normally location based -not always, for example Coca Cola-. An example I have for this is when I went to a concert, and every venue that he was splaying, had an individual Geo filter :

  So this one clearly was specific and individual to London. When I create this I think I would want to make it the kind that is worldwide, but also ones that are specific, for example if you were in Bath and wanted to get the filter it would advertise the bag / coat and Logo with the location of the closest Cath Kidston, for example 'Bath - Milsom place' this then also includes the current geo filter available everywhere, as shown to the left.

 In regards to Instagram, I will take inspiration for the current advertisements/ sponsors that are used such as the one to the right :
  I find there are typically two types of adverts/sponsors that I see, either this kind that appear on your timeline/ feed amongst the people you follow, or the ones where celebrities are paid and advertise the product on their own Instagram account such as the one below:

 From my own point of view I would think that the one the celebrity posts would draw more attention, as you can see from the amount of likes etc. You are more likely to look at a product a celebrity has as you would almost 'trust' their opinion, or in some cases ' if she has it, I want it'. Where as the ones that come up in your timeline and are sponsored posts are often tailored to your searches, therefore wont reach as many people, where as if the celebrity were to post it, those who you wouldn't expect would see the product and therefore not only gain the attention from the target audience, but all whom follow them. For my promotion I intend to post on the celebrities Instagram, so Kendall would post the sponsored ad.

YouTube / Magazine:
 Finally I want to either create a short youtube advertisement to play before a video or sit next to the video as shown below:

I think this would be interesting as the video could be Kendall with the product, just like a typical advertisement for clothing/ makeup and it could then sit on the side just as the above picture. This would be difficult to show in a mock however as I can't make a video with the product - as it doesn't exist in reality, and of course the celebrity!- to over come this I could produce an animation, however it wouldn't give of the aesthetic and visual that I would want it too.

 My next idea is to have an advertisement in a magazine, almost like a poster, this was the target market would be achieved as I would advertise in a magazine related to fashion. It would be really interesting to create the visual for as well. In regards to size, I could create it A4 size so that it is the first insert in the magazine, or perhaps the last page on the magazine (very back) as this would get a lot of attention.
 In regards to the visuals themselves I think I would want to make it more simplistic, like the one to the right, as sometimes when there's too much text, in my opinion, can look too much or draw away from the attention of the product itself.

  To conclude, I will use a variety of promotion strategies, all of which use applications or way that will directly effect and reach the target audience. I have analysed the applications and social media sites I will use, the effectiveness of them, and the way I want to design my advertisement so that it will aesthetically appeal

Promotion Research.


 Before I decided on the forms of promotion I intend to use, I decided to perform some secondary research on the most popular social media sites as well as apps amongst teenagers / 18+. This would give me the information I need in order to decide on the social sites I will use to promote my product.
 Firstly I needed to get the separate statistics on the sites as there is a difference between social media sites, apps, downloads etc.
This diagram shows the most popular social sites of 2017, clearly showing Facebook and YouTube above the other apps, however they are followed by Instagram and Twitter. Interestingly enough Snapchat wasn't involved in this diagram and questionnaire, however this was the first site I looked into, which is why it was then important to undertake even more, accurate research. 

 Next I came across the information below, showing the top 10 mobile apps that those in the U.S, aged 18 plus use.

 This was somewhat useful to me, this showed snapchat in their statistics as well as Instagram - the two social media sites I want to use for promotion-. However saying that, it also seemed too vague in my opinion as google search was counted as one of the applications. So after seeing this I decided to specify it down to individual types of popularity.

 Finally the results above give me more information in regards to the location (worldwide) and also didn't include games and things such as Google search. A reoccurring theme I can recognise is that in all the categories, such as Overall, App Store and Google Play, Instagram holds a hierarchy. This is interesting and useful as Instagram is something I am using to promote my product, meaning it will be a useful environment for the product as it is the most popular.
 Next I found that overall the application Snapchat was above Youtube in popularity, which is interesting as my third way of promotion was tied between an advertisement before a Youtube video begins to play, or an advertisement in a magazine.

 Once I had chosen my platforms I needed to research the effectiveness and popularity of advertising on the sites, because the popularity of the app doesn't have anything to do with promoting something. Now I know the most popular sites I need to use to reach my target market, I can see how marketers use those sites to promote products.

 Firstly I found this statistic that shows the effectiveness of marketing and promoting on certain social media platforms. Facebook being the number one at 58%,  whilst Instagram is only 43% effective. In addition to this Snapchat isn't even on the grid, making me question the site for advertising my rebrand. Although Snapchat wasn't included in this statistic, I analysed the use of Snapchat seeing that it is fairly 'new' and different to the other social sites in a sense that it is even more picture- based that Instagram and so therefore thought that brands might not want to use just a picture based site to promote themselves and their product. In my opinion it depends on the product and brand, for example, if Tesco's were to advertise on snapchat it wouldn't make much sense, their advertisements are too long and also are aimed at older people, so snapchat wouldn't be the right site for them. On the other hand a brand to do with fashion and a celebrity such as Kendall Jenner whose life and career is highly based on social media, it would make a good mix, as it could be done in a small video add between viewing Snapchat stories, or even in 'Snapchat Featured' articles as seen below:


 Lastly I also found some statistics that include snapchat, showing a 1% effectiveness, something of course which isn't ideal. Despite this I think that with the celebrity I am using and by creating a geo filter that is effective, it could promote the product in a positive way. By using Kendall and her following I think it can push the collaboration as everyone will want to use what she's using. 

  To conclude, upon undertaking some secondary research it is clear to me that the social media platforms I have chosen will be successful as they are not only popular among teenagers, but popular worldwide. The statistics prove that the social sites I want to use are effective with promotion and marketing, some more than others, regardless I think that by reinventing the way the product is advertised, the effectiveness will rise.

FMP Showcase.

To complete this year (and the previous year) off we held a showcase in the Apex Hotel in Bath. This finished off the final part of my FMP a...