Monday 2 October 2017

Promotion Ideas.


When researching promotion strategies I decided upon 3 different forms I intend to use. Firstly I looked at Snapchat Geo Filters. This was something I wanted to use because in regards to social media -the platform in which Kendall was essentially 'made' on- snapchat is a popular and commonly used and loved app that the majority of people have and use on a daily basis. I had a go at visually creating a Geo filter as shown below:

 This was very easy to create, but would need to include some other visuals, so therefore when I create my mock up to show what it would look like I might be best off using Photoshop to convey my visuals.
 Once I've created my products on Photoshop/illustrator  I will be able to upload them to the website 'Geo Filters Snapchat' and create my own filter. In regards to who can get this filter I need to decide how it is done. For example when Ed Sheeran was releasing his new music, he collaborated with snapchat to create a new facial filter that had his music playing in the background, just before he released it. This was worldwide to anyone who had snapchat. However Geo Filters are slightly different as they are normally location based -not always, for example Coca Cola-. An example I have for this is when I went to a concert, and every venue that he was splaying, had an individual Geo filter :

  So this one clearly was specific and individual to London. When I create this I think I would want to make it the kind that is worldwide, but also ones that are specific, for example if you were in Bath and wanted to get the filter it would advertise the bag / coat and Logo with the location of the closest Cath Kidston, for example 'Bath - Milsom place' this then also includes the current geo filter available everywhere, as shown to the left.

 In regards to Instagram, I will take inspiration for the current advertisements/ sponsors that are used such as the one to the right :
  I find there are typically two types of adverts/sponsors that I see, either this kind that appear on your timeline/ feed amongst the people you follow, or the ones where celebrities are paid and advertise the product on their own Instagram account such as the one below:

 From my own point of view I would think that the one the celebrity posts would draw more attention, as you can see from the amount of likes etc. You are more likely to look at a product a celebrity has as you would almost 'trust' their opinion, or in some cases ' if she has it, I want it'. Where as the ones that come up in your timeline and are sponsored posts are often tailored to your searches, therefore wont reach as many people, where as if the celebrity were to post it, those who you wouldn't expect would see the product and therefore not only gain the attention from the target audience, but all whom follow them. For my promotion I intend to post on the celebrities Instagram, so Kendall would post the sponsored ad.

YouTube / Magazine:
 Finally I want to either create a short youtube advertisement to play before a video or sit next to the video as shown below:

I think this would be interesting as the video could be Kendall with the product, just like a typical advertisement for clothing/ makeup and it could then sit on the side just as the above picture. This would be difficult to show in a mock however as I can't make a video with the product - as it doesn't exist in reality, and of course the celebrity!- to over come this I could produce an animation, however it wouldn't give of the aesthetic and visual that I would want it too.

 My next idea is to have an advertisement in a magazine, almost like a poster, this was the target market would be achieved as I would advertise in a magazine related to fashion. It would be really interesting to create the visual for as well. In regards to size, I could create it A4 size so that it is the first insert in the magazine, or perhaps the last page on the magazine (very back) as this would get a lot of attention.
 In regards to the visuals themselves I think I would want to make it more simplistic, like the one to the right, as sometimes when there's too much text, in my opinion, can look too much or draw away from the attention of the product itself.

  To conclude, I will use a variety of promotion strategies, all of which use applications or way that will directly effect and reach the target audience. I have analysed the applications and social media sites I will use, the effectiveness of them, and the way I want to design my advertisement so that it will aesthetically appeal

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