Monday 2 October 2017

Promotion Research.


 Before I decided on the forms of promotion I intend to use, I decided to perform some secondary research on the most popular social media sites as well as apps amongst teenagers / 18+. This would give me the information I need in order to decide on the social sites I will use to promote my product.
 Firstly I needed to get the separate statistics on the sites as there is a difference between social media sites, apps, downloads etc.
This diagram shows the most popular social sites of 2017, clearly showing Facebook and YouTube above the other apps, however they are followed by Instagram and Twitter. Interestingly enough Snapchat wasn't involved in this diagram and questionnaire, however this was the first site I looked into, which is why it was then important to undertake even more, accurate research. 

 Next I came across the information below, showing the top 10 mobile apps that those in the U.S, aged 18 plus use.

 This was somewhat useful to me, this showed snapchat in their statistics as well as Instagram - the two social media sites I want to use for promotion-. However saying that, it also seemed too vague in my opinion as google search was counted as one of the applications. So after seeing this I decided to specify it down to individual types of popularity.

 Finally the results above give me more information in regards to the location (worldwide) and also didn't include games and things such as Google search. A reoccurring theme I can recognise is that in all the categories, such as Overall, App Store and Google Play, Instagram holds a hierarchy. This is interesting and useful as Instagram is something I am using to promote my product, meaning it will be a useful environment for the product as it is the most popular.
 Next I found that overall the application Snapchat was above Youtube in popularity, which is interesting as my third way of promotion was tied between an advertisement before a Youtube video begins to play, or an advertisement in a magazine.

 Once I had chosen my platforms I needed to research the effectiveness and popularity of advertising on the sites, because the popularity of the app doesn't have anything to do with promoting something. Now I know the most popular sites I need to use to reach my target market, I can see how marketers use those sites to promote products.

 Firstly I found this statistic that shows the effectiveness of marketing and promoting on certain social media platforms. Facebook being the number one at 58%,  whilst Instagram is only 43% effective. In addition to this Snapchat isn't even on the grid, making me question the site for advertising my rebrand. Although Snapchat wasn't included in this statistic, I analysed the use of Snapchat seeing that it is fairly 'new' and different to the other social sites in a sense that it is even more picture- based that Instagram and so therefore thought that brands might not want to use just a picture based site to promote themselves and their product. In my opinion it depends on the product and brand, for example, if Tesco's were to advertise on snapchat it wouldn't make much sense, their advertisements are too long and also are aimed at older people, so snapchat wouldn't be the right site for them. On the other hand a brand to do with fashion and a celebrity such as Kendall Jenner whose life and career is highly based on social media, it would make a good mix, as it could be done in a small video add between viewing Snapchat stories, or even in 'Snapchat Featured' articles as seen below:


 Lastly I also found some statistics that include snapchat, showing a 1% effectiveness, something of course which isn't ideal. Despite this I think that with the celebrity I am using and by creating a geo filter that is effective, it could promote the product in a positive way. By using Kendall and her following I think it can push the collaboration as everyone will want to use what she's using. 

  To conclude, upon undertaking some secondary research it is clear to me that the social media platforms I have chosen will be successful as they are not only popular among teenagers, but popular worldwide. The statistics prove that the social sites I want to use are effective with promotion and marketing, some more than others, regardless I think that by reinventing the way the product is advertised, the effectiveness will rise.

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