Monday 14 November 2016

Animation Reviews.

How You Will Die

This animation used visuals to get across the message of different statistics about how people will die in both richer areas, and poorer areas. The same animation was used when showing about strokes and our lungs for example. It was to the point and the images used were repeated, this made the animation memorable. The end message from this animation was that we will inevitably die, regardless of the location of where we live, whether we smoke etc, it was however powerful to see the difference between the information of rich and poor areas, the the reason of death.


This animation told the story of two people who were classed as the number zero. The number you were born with was the number you were classified as. For example those with number 9 were seen as better people than those with the number 1. This was shown in society with the way they treated each other, what jobs they had, what type of people they were etc. 
  The two '0' characters fell in love and had a baby, who was born with infinity, the highest number that the people had seen, consequently gaining unlimited respect from others. This translates into our society as people judge others by their upbringing etc.
 In regards to making the animation we can see the emotion the character goes through facial expressions as well as the weather ( pathetic fallacy). The colour of the characters also vary, those with higher numbers were given the body of pink, whilst the 0's had dull grey colours, upon first glance this may represent their emotions. The director created a moving animation that spreads meaning to everyone as we can all relate to this animation, the narrator in the animation tells the story, describing the thoughts Zero goes through as the dolls cannot talk. This is why facial and body expressions were important in this animation as the use of speech cannot be used.

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