Sunday 20 November 2016



 Recce's are the people in the film making industry who's job it is to go out and find filming locations. This is a vital part of pre production however there are a number of things to take into account such as...
  • Script - Will the chosen location match up to the script and its description. 
  • Lighting - Will there be sufficient lighting for filming and between what hours is this available?
  • Power Supplies - power for lights, camera ?
  • Examine Elements- including the seasons, will weather effect kit? (temperatures)
  • Permission - Do you have permission from the land owner?
  • Health And Safety - is it accessible for ambulances etc?
     All these key points as well as multiple other points have a key element in the recce's job. For example the location needs to supply enough power for artificial light as well as camera batteries etc, in addition to this the natural light will only be between certain hours depending on the season. The season in which it is filmed in also has a big effect on the production as having temperatures too low will mean the batteries in the cameras will drop a considerable amount in power, therefore reducing the time it can film for. On the contrary to this having the temperature too hot will have other consequences as mentioned previously.

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