Wednesday 23 November 2016

What Makes A Story.

Key Points

These are the key points we put together that make a story interesting: 

  • Suspense - The unknown, tension
  • Characters Relationships- They tell the story, set the tone
  • Climax
  • Unpredictability
  • Plot twist
  • Narrative- linear, non linear 
  • Depth/Layers

The Walking Dead

A plot twist I liked was in The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 1, I liked this plot twist because a main character was killed and it was unexpected, it built suspense and was an unpredictable story line however it was predictable of the character. So his actions were predictable, but the death of the character was unpredictable, this had an effect on the audience and those who are emotionally attached to the character as he has been there since the first episode. The suspense was build throughout the episode, however he was the second character to be murdered, this also showed unpredictability and plot twists because the audience were still effected after the first character was killed. In addition to this the main character Rick was threatened with death, this showed the use of climax as we did not know his future and it built up a lot of tension and worry, both within the group of survivors and with the audience at home.

It is important for a tv series or film to have depth and layers at it allows the audience to relate to the characters and the storyline. It reveals more information and makes the story better as it becomes more interesting for everyone involved, without tension or lot twists, the story line would become predictable, therefore uninteresting to the majority of audiences as we can expect what will come next. I find that The Walking Dead do this very well as they create a lot of unexpected twists, leaving every episode with some type of climax, making the audience want to tune back in the following week.

 Linear Narrative- cause and effect.

 Non Linear- multiple different outcomes at different times.

3 Part Plot


  In the film Coraline the first 'scene' is the build up, this includes Coraline and her family moving into a new house, everything is very dull and she feels somewhat neglected by her mother and father who are constantly working, then during the night she is led downstairs and discovers a secret door passage.

   This is where the film begins to get into the main part and second 'scene' as she discovers a parallel world to her own. In this world everyone has buttons for eyes, everything is practically mirrored to her life at home however this life is much better, for example filled with nicer cooking as opposed to the 'bland' food her parents prepare in the real world. However as she adventures further and her 'other mother' invites her to stay in the parallel world forever, Coraline declines the offer.
   This is where I personally thing the third 'scene' takes place, as she needs to escape the trap and trick of the parallel world and make it back to her real home in order to save her friends and family, she does so successfully and along the way discovers that her parents need to be more appreciated and even though they cannot spend all their time with her and pay her all of their attention they are important to her and they end up as a happy family again.

Equilibrium - Dis Equilibrium - Equilibrium = The development stages, something calm, then something big / difficult, finished by something easy/calm again.   

   In the link above you can see the three plot/stages in the animation, the first one being the two friends getting ready to fish, the middle stage ( aka Dis Equilibrium ) where the friend throws dynamite into the lake in anticipation to catch the biggest best fish, however after this we see the other friend ends up getting the 'biggest fish' showing the final stage.

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