Tuesday 7 March 2017

Course Reflection.

Presentation & Summary

 In my 'Prezi' I have displayed my thoughts on the course, and the projects in which I enjoyed, disliked found challenging etc. I can easily spot a pattern as I was producing my presentation, that being that I really enjoy publishing, and more so that I am not too keen on Audio and certain aspects of Interactive projects. I think this is because they don't necessarily interest me a lot, for interactive however I do enjoy learning how to animate and discovering news ways to produce things, however I find it rather tedious and I am no artist, therefore find it difficult to put the vision I see in my head, into illustrate, and produce a product in which I am happy with.

   Despite me not enjoying every single part of the course, I have enjoyed leaning new things and leaning why I do not like producing certain projects. In regards to my FMP I intend to create a digital and or printed magazine based loosely on fashion. I have researched some existing magazine covers and discovered that I like the aesthetic of adjusting and playing around with lighting, so therefore I plan to take some simple images -involving fashion-, and make the pieces very interesting and aesthetically pleasing for an audience. Ideally I think I would enjoy going into the publishing industry, perhaps producing magazines (articles,images)... this is something I will know more in depth once I have started and completed my FMP.

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