Wednesday 15 March 2017

Research Results.

Primary Research

 As briefly discussed in my previous blog, I needed to create a Google Form questionnaire for peers to fill out, in order to receive responses that correlate to my FMP. I have successfully done this and been able to get my feedback and respond to it. Below are some images of my questionnaire and the questions I decided to add, these would enable me to decipher what I should consider more when creating the magazine.

I decided to ask a total of seven questions, all relating closely to my project. From the responses I received I was mainly surprised by the outcome to the question 'Do you prefer magazines that are image based or text based'. The reason for this being that 54.5% said 'both' and 45.5% saying 'image'. This has made me think about my magazine as I was going to have little articles - hence the minimalistic vibe and direction- however now I am going to use my other research for a different purpose. Now knowing that my target audience like almost a fair balance, I can decipher what kind of articles I want to add and what I enjoy reading myself.

  This question wasn't a shock to me as I assumed the majority of people would have chosen digital. However I was very pleased there are still a large number of people who prefer printed versions. I myself love printed magazines that have vivid images and are intriguing, hence why I want to try and create my own, in my opinion text based magazines are better to read digitally. This is why when considering the different forms of the project I could create I didn't want to make a blog or website. I think the powerful images are so much more interesting and fascinating when you get to hold a physical copy.

    I decided to also add was 'How often do you purchase magazines?' this was interesting as in this typically our generation view the majority of things online, seeing as I am creating a printed magazine this was one of my concerns. As previously explained, I did however want a visual magazine in which you can hold as I believe it makes images more interesting and vivid, as opposed to zooming in on an iphone to view.

 These were the results, again this did surprise me as still a large amount of people purchase magazines on a weekly/monthly/yearly occurrence. However upon finding this out it does worry me slightly as it is clearly apparent that purchasing magazines is not the most popular thing. Despite this result, those whom do purchase magazines are those most likely to also be interested in fashion magazines. After receiving results like this, it makes me think about the content, for example if people do not purchase magazines 'weekly' do I want the content to be relevant for that week's trends? Or would it be better to review that particular month or season in regards to trends.

Secondary Research

 After completing the majority of my primary research to find out what my target audience prefer, I then researched a variety of different things, such as bloggers, influencers etc. In my mind maps I have grabbed a few images off Google Images and linked them together, to try and show the aesthetic and style in which I am aiming for in my magazine. 

    By doing this type of research I am able to see what is already on the market, therefore showing me how can I make mine unique and stand out. In addition to this I am able to view the type of content included - for example on certain blogs- giving me ideas on the type of article I am then able to have in my magazine.


Below shows a screen shot of a blog named 'ChroniclesOfHer'. This was one of the many blogs I came across when conducting my secondary research, particularly for its layout and content. The articles are very simple and then are completed with imagery. I particularly liked the blog post discussing the 'Trend Alert' on embroidery. It gave a very brief description of the style and how it has evolved to everyday clothing,then showed multiple images and sites where you can purchase pieces from. This really inspired me because in my magazine I want to have a section of what the model is wearing, then similar items of clothing available to purchase, both high end to high street

   Another blog I came across was actually local to Bath. She is a blogger who creates a large variety of content, i.e fashion, beauty, lifestyle, travel and more. I found her articles in which are based upon fashion more visual compared to the previous blog I discussed. There is little to no text in the ones I explored which I like, it is very simplistic and aesthetically pleasing.

 I decided to use my secondary research to focus on content for my own magazine, as previously discussed I have already done a lot of research on existing magazines and have acquired a list in which I am going to create a mood board from and have a separate post on. 


 When thinking about my magazine I also thought about fonts and did some research regarding them too. Seeing as the aesthetic of my magazine will be fairly 'dark' I wanted to use a really interesting font to match my aesthetic. My magazine will be everyday fashion, incorporating a variety of effects in regards to lighting and layout, making it put a unique and interesting spin on everyday fashion.
  After researching magazines I came across the magazine 'FAULT'. This really stood out to me in regards to font and this is the type of font I want to use. I particularly like the shapes and the use of outline as opposed to the filled version (see below)

    I took these two photographs from FAULT Online as one is in black and white and the letters are separated, then when you compare it to the colour one the letters all line up and overlap Adam Lambert. After discovering this font used on Fault magazine I was able to distinguish the font in which appeals to me and the aesthetic I am aiming for. I then went to 'Dafont' and hand picked a few fonts that interested me, the majority of them being bold, block and in the 'metal' category. Font is also something I am able to experiment with easily, not just with the font itself, but the shape, format, size and layout of it.
 As of yet I am not entirely sure as to if my cover will be black and white of colour, this is something in which I will discover upon experimentation and layout.      


In regards to layout I was able to find a website online ( in which had a large variety of magazines to view. I was every happy when researching to find this website as it gave me inspiration for the layout of my own magazine. I not only took inspiration from the layout, but the arrangement and way in which photographs were taken and almost manipulated. I have inserted a few images below in which really caught my attention and where the type of this I was aiming for for this project:

 Images: Google Images, Fault Online

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