Sunday 10 December 2017

LJ Hugs - Marketing Strategy.

5 P's

  • Product
  • Price
  • Promotion
  • Place
  • People
Product- The product LJ is promoting is street food, the 'product' I want to promote is him and his business. Included in this I will also promote his website and social media platforms, along with some of his food and unique seasoning. This will be done through a re-vamp of his social media and overall advertising strategy, for example in magazines.

Price- The price of my marketing strategy depends on how and where I advertise LJ. After performing some research on Crumbs Magazine (specifically Bath & Bristol) I found a chart with prices it costs to advertise in their magazine based off of 2016, as seen below.

Promotion- This is the key part to this project as I will be promoting using Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and also crumbs magazine. I will produce advertisements on the social media platforms to promote his stall, his menu and his offers.

Place- The place in which these advertisements will be seen is in and around the city of Bath. The reason or this is that his main stall is there, and at the moment as he isn't branching out further, I would see it as a little bit pointless to promote him in, for example, Wiltshire or somewhere far away where people will most likely not want to travel for an unfamiliar place. 

People- The people I am aiming this at is the younger demographic, such as teens in college and young adults in the working industry. Although I'm advertising his business everywhere for all to see I particularly want to get the attention of youths. This will be done by using particular social media sites, then for those above that target market age, for example older people working in Bath or chefs, they will see the advertisements in 'Crumbs' magazine and also in and around Bath (stickers, posters, leaflets)

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