Friday 1 December 2017

Research Project - Possible Ideas.

 For this section of the research project brief we needed to gather 2/3 possible ideas to explore and compare them and their similarities and differences. I have scanned in the work sheets that I completed where it explores the different areas of the two topics / questions. I explored three articles I could potentially use, two books, primary research ideas, secondary research ideas as well as how will that particular topic motivate and excite me!
 Firstly I started off with "The impact of social media and marketing within a business" so how successful it is and what sites in particular have the largest effect. It was really easy to find the articles I associated my work with because there are so many books and online articles for small businesses as well as large ones, and how to go about marketing yourself on social media. The reason I wanted to base my whole research project on social media and the use of marketing for your business on it was because now a days social media is such a key element to any business as it is constantly growing. I think that the way businesses go about advertising and marketing themselves online is so important and i'm intrigued about the differences between business to business and social media platforms!
 The type of primary research I could do for this particular topic would include surveys and questionnaires to businesses to see if they use social media and if they strongly rely on it. I could do this by producing a questionnaire and visiting local businesses around Bath, but also by trying to go into the larger businesses with either physical questionnaire, or email them! This could be difficult for the larger businesses so this i shower i may turn into secondary research. So in regards to the type of secondary research I could do, I could look into existing brands and how they use social media to market themselves, this could be done by producing visual comparisons between different sites (Youtube & Instagram) to see how they advertise things and what their strategies are.
 Similarly for my second sheet that I produced the topic I wanted to explore was "The impact of social media for businesses". I thought this would be similar to the first one however it would explore completely different sides of businesses and their social media accounts. It would be interesting to research how the use of social media effects their sales ands reputation and have an effect among the different types of audiences! For this topic I thought I could do some secondary research on the social media sites and how retailers use them to their advantage, again comparing the differences between them and their statistics. As a practitioner this would encourage me to collect some more information first hand, by going into individual retailers in Bath and asking them about their social media sites, how often they use them and how heavily they rely on them etc.

  To conclude, for my final idea I am going to produce a research project on "The impact of social media and marketing within a business and how successful it is". By choosing this particular category to research I am able to delve into some well known brands I am interested in, such as Beauty Bay, to look at the online footprint they create and how in terms of business this works for them. The motivation behind this idea is that because social media is used in everything we do, it will be interesting to me to find out some more information and statistics as how how effective it really is. It will test me as a media practitioner in a way that will require me to look into a variety of different businesses and compare and contrast the marketing strategies they use, as well as the success of them.

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