Thursday 20 April 2017

First Print Trial.


 After using Photoshop and successfully altering my layout of my magazine, I decided to print off two pages to see what they would look like. Upon review I noticed a lot of things I want to change. For example the colour of the pages in particular. I thought that by having the background of the pages a light blue colour, it would make the images blend better, however this ended up looking tacky. The colours mixed with images makes the page look really unprofessional and the complete opposite of the direction I wanted to head in. 
 I am very happy I decided to print my pages as I now discovered multiple points, as mentioned above. I decided to write on the pages to show what I want to change, this is something I a currently doing in photoshop, before I go on to InDesign and try it there, as after all that is the application in which I will be using to create my magazine in! 

 Above shows one of my articles and my rough edit. The things I did like was the layout of the title and that the colours are 'swapped' around when the text enters the image, this is something I want to do and will keep. However the background colour, the text itself (centred) is something I didn't like. I also discovered that by having '17' in the corner of every page, initially was a really good idea, however could be mistaken for page numbers and could cause confusion! After noticing this I have decided to have it only on the front cover, showing the year of issue. In addition to this I also want to see what a black border looks likes around my pages, this isn't something I was going to have, however it is something I want to experiment with, as it could bring everything together and make it look more professional.

Next I printed off a double page spread in which contains one image, layered 3 times, each time having a different filter/colour effect on. This gives a really interesting '3D' type effect and adds more interest and depth to the original image, which is why I thought it would be interesting to have it as one of my double page spreads. As I have said before I want my magazine to be very photography based, therefore by having a double page spread to be a manipulated photograph I think it portrays the fact it is a creative magazine. It takes it from what some would say is a 'normal' photograph and makes you look twice!

 To conclude, I believed that by printing out a few pages of my unfinished magazine that it would give me a better vision of what the final product will look like, and it has most certainly done that! Of course I decided to print with normal paper and A4 size as this was all I had access too, so the scale is slightly off, however it still works. I was able to discover the things that don't work when printed and things that can be altered. Another alteration I will make is on the layered images, this being that I want to adjust the opacity and lighten one of them up so it isn't as dark and the colours are able to come through more clearly than they do on the version above. This part of the process has linked up to my research and experimentation, that being because it has allowed me to constantly give myself feedback and change my product. I am able to view my product along the journey and pick out what works and could work better. This has been really helpful and I am glad that I have printed and edited this page, this is most definitely something I want to do when I have the full draft of my magazine done and before I send it off to professional printing. 

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