Wednesday 26 April 2017

Progression Part 2.


After completing my shoot and putting my research into practise, I decided to not just have my images placed as they were taken, but I found it interesting to layer them onto of each other to give a really interesting effect. In addition to this I put a stroke (border) on some of my pictures, whilst some had a background behind them, giving a thick border effect but with my desired pattern. Throughout the magazine there are some images that have plain white marble in the background, this also helps link together my articles! As well as this I have added a lavender- coloured rectangle, with the opacity turned down, on some pages as this helps tie in all the colours and again, the articles. This isn't something that is 'really obvious' however the subtle addition to the magazine, in my opinion, makes it all merge better together!

Here is an example of when I layered a yellow image with a black and white image. Having one ayer above the other really changes the over all view of the image as I have shown here. Adjusting the opacity is also interesting as you are able to pick what the audience focus on more.


In this image, the black and white photograph is placed in front of the coloured image, this however didn't give the desired effect I wanted. I initially did this idea as it allows me to merge two image I like together but won't include, and it makes you look twice at an image!

Secondly I tried swapping the layers, therefore putting the black and white image to the back and lowering the opacity of the yellow themed photo. For me I think it blended better together and gave the finished effect I wanted. The blue lines you can see were just ruler marks I used when creating my magazine in photoshop, it allowed me to see the centre of the pages and therefore place my articles and images in the best place. 


I created a new document, 16 pages long, with a bleed of 3mm all around. Once I had completed the pages on photoshop I inserted them to Indesign. At first I tried inserting the photoshop document, this however made the text very pixilated, so I therefore exported them as a PNG file, this resulted in the pages being at the correct quality. Below shows a screenshot of some of the pages and how they look in the application.
 One thing I did notice was that in photoshop I created some of the pages leaving a thick border around the outside, and some -like the contents page- was filled to the edges of the page. I quite liked how the image for the contents page fitted. The backdrop allowed me to have the text of what my magazine entailed without having it look too blank! In addition to this I decided to have the full double page spreads without borders as this looked better than when I had the borders around the outside.
When placing my files I actually changed two pages around, this was because when I was able to view it the colours seemed to go in blocks (lots of blue then to yellow,back to blue...) and I wanted them to flow together so it matched up. As predicted my layout did change in comparison to my flat lay plan as when reviewing the images I thought it was aesthetically better the way I have done it.


In regards to progression, I have decided to produce another questionnaire before my final questionnaire, one to collect (mainly) constructive criticism on the digital version I produced, then one for my final printed version, asking questions regarding aesthetic, content and overall opinions.  

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