Monday 17 April 2017

Production Progression.


After I had done my photoshoot as discussed in the Behind The Scenes blog, I was able to upload the photos and select the ones I want to use for my magazine. For me, this meant getting a collection of pictures with different angles, outfits, lighting and more! I didn't want to use too many pictures that looked similar, as although I notice a difference, readers may not. So once I had chosen through, I kept around 25 ( give or take, as I chose the same picture to layer over itself...). Next I went to Lightroom and edited the pictures, this meant me adjusting the exposure, temperature, highlights and more. I also used the spot healing tool, and brush tool, this was to smoothen skin and adjust the colour.

 When I had selected my images, I needed to chose the front cover image, this was very difficult. So to help decide I went into photoshop and selected 3 images I liked, and did another mock up cover like in previous blog posts. I then went to Lightroom to edit these 4 images and put them back into Photoshop to see the final product: 

This is the first image I looked at as initially I liked the subtle lighting and thought once I edited it to be brighter it would look really good, however to lighten the image enough to make it look better, it meant enhancing the colours so much that it didn't look how I wanted it too. SO I made the decision to keep this image for a 'backup' image for the inside as it would look nice inside.

Secondly I chose this image as I thought the 'triangle blue' light would add interest and appeal, especially for a cover. However I noticed that because I put a clear sheet infant of the lease to achieve this, the image itself doesn't look as crisp clear as the others, therefore when enlarged to the size of A4 the quality worsened. I did however go on and edit this image to bring out more of the blue colour, but decided this would look a lot nice on the inside with text around it!

Lastly I chose this image, I really liked the angle of the model and the subtle lighting that when enhanced looked even better. The only issue with this and the first image I showed, the title doesn't look complete, so I will need to figure out a stroke colour and or positioning that will best show the title and picture. 

Personally, I liked making the mock covers and pages because it gives me a real idea of what the image looks like when enlarged, and whether it would suit to be smaller, surrounded by text and more. That's why although the pre production of experimentation has taken place, I will still continue to experiment with my work as that way I can view how it will look when printed. 
 So after I had played around with the cover image I went on to edit all the images I intend to use for the inside of my magazine. I decided to chose more images than I need as this way when I am creating my final product I have room to change things up if I think a certain image doesn't look good/ or another one would suit it better! Again for this process I used Lightroom, changing the colours and tint to accentuate the lighting etc. I will not be adding too many more screenshots of my images as I think it will be nice to see the final images when it is printed! However I did want to discuss that I didn't always make the lighting more intense, I did change the colour of an image which  originally was like a yellow filter:

As you can see the image was slightly dark and yellow initially, so I needed to adjust the exposure and highlights. After editing this image I did realise it was one of my least favourites as when I had one all the adjusting it didn't look how I wanted it too. Despite this I wanted to show the screenshots to show my progression within the production of my magazine and that not everything did work out!

As you can tell, I didn't use as intense lighting as I did when it came to my test shoots! Therefore the front cover image is not as intense as you would have seen previously, this was a choice of mine because although I really liked the way the test shots turned out, I think the images above subtly show  the path in which I want the magazine to go. In addition to this point, the inside images are a mixture of intense lighting and layering, with more subtle lighting images. This being that although I want this magazine to be very photography based, it also contains articles regarding the fashion itself so thought I would show the clothing the model wears when there isn't a bright blue reflecting on it!

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