Thursday 9 November 2017


Stores & Online

 As briefly mentioned in my secondary research (here) our objective is of curse to sell to major online stores and 1-2 physical stores. For this that would mean we need to decipher the stores we want to pitch to and ensure we have a long and fantastic list of examples, statistics and more (much like dragons den)

  • Proven history of success (statistics and figures, already have a keen audience)
  • Be retail ready ( packaging, tags etc. Ensure it is physically ready to go on a shelf and be successfully sold)
  • Examples ( bring multiple examples to the pitch, images and physical, to give them a real idea of what they're working with and so that they can see their potential)
  • Find out all the information about the stores necessary (current lines and stock, the need for more? as well as potential customers)
 When I was performing secondary research it was clear to me that it had a very -dragons den type feel to it. You need to have a perfect product with statistics that it sells - and well-, examples, spreadsheets - essentially proof to impress!- superior packaging and attraction. Of course when going into retailers rather than producing your own shop comes with pro's and con's.

  • Quicker movement of product
  • More cash flow with larger orders
  • Greater consumer reach
  • Brand exposure 
  • Offers less control of branding
  • Cuts margins in half

Other options
Other innovative ways of selling my products minus the online and physical stores would be difficult, but could be done. For example in the centre of Bath, you often see marquees and tents set up selling things ranging from clothing, to fossils! This would be a potential selling technique as I would not be paying a shop where they get an income, only paying a street permit to legally sell there. I could set up a little temporary stall, aiming it at times when perhaps the target market of mine would be around, for example lunch time, after college, work etc. This way we would be able to sell our products specifically to those we want and would not lose any money that we would if we were to sell our idea to Urban Outfitters where they would take the profit!

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FMP Showcase.

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