Friday 17 November 2017

Week 3 - Six Week Plan.

Typography project.

This week Lola and I devised a six week plan, which involved all the details and timings that we want to try and stick to throughout this project in order to get things done in a more organised fashion (differently to last time!).

  I decided to do this on a spreadsheet with the individual weeks along the side and timings at the top so what I can check every half an hour as to whether we're on schedule or not! This is a really good idea as by creating this it gives us motivation and also something to stick by, so we essentially should always have something to do. Hopefully this will be manageable for the two of us and when writing reflective blog posts we should be able to see how we are doing, then next time we have a project we know where to increase or decrease the work load and timings.

 As we are in week 3 of the project, we should be 'agreeing on a theme' so as a class we came together a produced a brain storm of ideas collectively. Here is an overall look of what we came out with, from this and taking the palette idea with lights around the words, I am able to construct some images together to give me a better idea of the aesthetic we are aiming for.

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