Wednesday 15 November 2017

What Is A Research Project?

The definition of a research project is that ' A research paper presents an original thesis - idea-, or purpose statement, about a topic and develops that thesis with information gathered from a variety of sources'.

 A research project in whole is a project in which increases your knowledge prior to the research, on a certain thing. It generally is to collect information you didn't know before, and to create a project out of it in order to understand it deeper than ever before.
 Research project's requires a large amount of different elements, all of which are key to a research project. Some of these elements include things such as primary research ( research you conduct yourself such as surveys) and secondary research (a collection of already existing research, for example a book!)

 To give an overall summary / visual of how a typical research project is put together, see below:

  • Title page -  include the question or subject matter
  • Abstract - a brief summary of the entire research project, including a title, section headings and main conclusion 
  • List Of Contents - a list of page numbers and chapter titles
  • Introduction - introducing the topic, why you've chosen it and what you hope to achieve
  • Research (Primary & Secondary) - summary of your research methods and outcomes
  • Conclusion - what conclusion can be drawn? what did you discover?
 Finally, the word count and bibliography, so the total number of words and a list of sources used, this should include books, websites etc. This can be presented Harvard style.

 So overall a research project is one trying to discover information they did not know before hand in a number of different ways, incorporation many different elements of research, all to answer or come to some type of conclusion.

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