Thursday 5 April 2018

Online Advertising.

Digital Marketing
 Another large part of my FMP for me is creating some form of online advertisement in which is relevant to the product, and the demographic. When thinking of ways to do this I immediately gravitated towards adverts on YouTube (whether that be sponsored videos, banners running along side, or advertisements before and throughout) along with website advertisements ( for example through Facebook, Instagram etc).

YouTube Adverts
 So to begin this portion of research I went to youtube to find the three example above, one of each so that i have a variety and can look at their effectiveness, I imported the screenshots into photoshop and decided to annotate around them (easier said than done!)





 After I had analysed these 4 individual different ways of advertising on the platform YouTube I can see how brands heavily rely on these influencers to sell their products, whether that be directly in a video, or subtle hits and adverts along side. For me personally I prefer the more subtle hints, just because I like someone as an 'influencer' and they get paid to sell a product to me slightly puts me off! Sometimes when I see the banners for example on Zoella's video as shown above, I am more inclined to look at the product, because I can exit the ad at any moment, rather than the whole video being based on something, or video adverts before be able to view the video!
 Something I have only seen recently is the most subtle way of advertising, this was in the description box of another Zoella video as seen below:

 As you can see it clearly states "any links below with a '*' are affiliate links" meaning that she receives a percentage of the revenue that is made from her audience purchasing those particular items through her links. Something to put into perspective from this is that she is clearly a high respected 'influencer' and the more brands can use her and her platform, the more products people will buy.

Claris Clean Ad
 5The next thing I decided to do was research and discuss a very interesting internet article to me. This article was called "Clarins Cleans Up Ad Game" it discusses how the beauty and skincare brand Clarins managed to re evaluate their advertising techniques and clean them up all in one year. Initially Clarins adverts would pop up on art websites, irrelevant to those visiting the website as they had no interest in beauty. The reason their adverts ended up on these sites were "as a result of it's investments in programmatic advertising, which doesn't allow advertisers to control where their content appears"
  then in 2017 the brands "served 30% more impressions through direct channels than the average company" this indicated that the change in strategy had reversed. As the brand switched to direct advertising in 2017, YouTube became its top publishing site for video ads. To me this is a really important bit of information as it tells me that if I were to create a digital marketing advertisement for my products, YouTube would infact be the most effective space for it, especially given that it is beauty.

Instagram Posts
 The next social media site and outlet I investigated was Instagram, the reason for this being that it is one of the most popular social media sites worldwide, and the fact that it is a visual site, this is important for me regarding what I am advertising as it would be perfect for this site, as opposed to twitter.

When scrolling on my Instagram I constantly come across either sponsored posts (people / companies I don't follow) or #Ad / #Sponsored posts by individuals - as well as brands- I do follow. By having the hashtag AD, it lets viewers know that that particular post is sponsored by the brand and they are getting paid to say / review the product (the exact same as YouTube). The first one I found that was relevant was by the makeup company Sephora, they did a '#Regram' of a post done by a makeup enthusiast.

  When it comes to my project personally, I feel like creating an ad like this, where it includes a video, wouldn't be something I would want to create, a lot of the adverts I see on Instagram are tutorials or shot videos showing off certain products. On the other hand I have also seen images that are adverts too, however I feel as though using video is more appealing and grabs the audience, enticing them into the product. This being that through a video you can watch someone use the product, you can see their personality, the techniques they use and more, almost showing you that it isn't just for professionals.

Next I came across a sponsored ad on my timeline, by a brand I do not follow. This again was a stop motion video advertising the product to me. This is much like the above video however the brand are trying to reach new customers, the one above already had my attention are I follow similar brands afflicted with Sephora, along with certain influencers. Then this brand 'Alpo' wouldn't be attached to me or my profile in any way shape of form, so they are most likely expanding their demographic and aiming that particular add to me and those in my category.

 To conclude, my findings here have been successful and very eye opening to the world of digital marketing using YouTube, Google claims "YouTube ads are more effective than TV"6  which isn't surprising to me. I feel as though the use of TV and advertisements on TV are becoming less effective for the new generations, I don't remember the last conversation I had with peers about what was on the television, it is all about YouTube and Netflix now.

Things I will apply from this to my final product...
  • From these findings I now know the type of banner and advert I want to create for YouTube, meaning that I can now look into appropriate dimensions in order to create my mock up, along with who I will place my 'ads' with, taking into consideration what the youtube video is about, and what the demographic is ( Uk based as opposed to international for me)


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