Monday 23 April 2018

Website Creation.

 When coming up with ideas for my FMP I knew I wanted to have it more digitally based in comparison to last year where my final product was a printed magazine. One of the things I was certain I wanted to create was a website. I envisioned producing a website that offered lots of visual elements and also worked like any online store, this would tie in my advertising on YouTube and also nicely link with a key element of my research where I looked into website that stock certain brands. I think it would be really interesting to produce my own website using the colour palette and same visuals, adding consistency and comprehensive understanding of the digital program and the brand I am creating.
 So to do this I decided that I would use WIX, the main reason for this being that I really like their templates and how simple it is to make a website look so professional. I have previously used this site however that was just a small part of a previous brief, so this time round I am looking forward to finding out more about the site and how it works. Here is a link to my first website I created on WIX, this is my online portfolio that I should ideally update as currently it isn't up to date with my work, however it shows the style of website I was aiming for and also visually shows that I want! I have provided some screenshots of my website below:

From looking at my own previous work I intend to better myself and my skill set considerably for this website. I have compiled a list of things I want to include on the website and also have produced a rough sketch on what I would ideally want the site to look like and include, as seen below:

 As my brand name is 'McQuaid' and I am branding my logo slightly differently to the one I currently use, I need to ensure that I slightly alter it to the one you can see on my mock ups as I want it to stand out slightly more. I want to incorporate parts of my current logo that you can see above as I think it would blend nicely together however this isn't a priority for me! I think the above plan can be produced with the use of WIX, I have started browsing their templates and have come across a section of 'beauty and wellbeing' and selected a template that I think would work really nicely with my aesthetic. 

Of course as mentioned before, all of my project par a couple of things are all digital, for my website however I do want to have some of my own photographs, incorporating smoke and plants/ some organic images. I am going to do this shoot on Thursday 19th (given good weather conditions). I have already done a recce on the place in which I want to do this, I also have my 'smoke pellets' that I ordered form amazon ready. There will be a separate blog post regarding that and it's success.

 So in regards to the creation process of the website I have tried a few different templates and layouts, trying to find a website that will reflect my brand and my products was difficult as of course I am only bringing out three products and I haven't physically made a lipstick, it will be difficult to get some images, however I plan on getting some appropriate swatches and images of them to reflect the products, I think this will help give a visual idea.
  When faced with the first template I felt as though it didn't give me the over all aesthetic I wanted to achieve. Even though it was lovely I feel as though it wasn't appropriate for my brand at this current moment. So I opened another template and set the background to a holographic sheet, along with editing some minor parts here and there whilst I wait to create my products. I altered the bar and also the sizing of a lot of things.

  Next I got onto the products page and began editing the products that were on the website. I created three and began to write their description and pricing in preparation to launch. I will add my own images shortly once I have produced the final ones in Photoshop as I was waiting for my questionnaire results which have now been analysed (here)

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