Friday 20 April 2018

Questionnaire Results.

As discussed in my previous blog post here I have constructed a questionnaire to give to my demographic regarding the packaging design mock ups I made. I decided to send this out on my social media's as previously discussed in order to get the attention of females aged 18-25 in the best way possible. These included Snapchat and Facebook as reflecting on my previous questionnaire, using Instagram didn't get me any additional responses because the 'swipe up' feature is for verified accounts only now, meaning you would have to post a story requesting followers to follow the link in your bio, and by this point no one had bothered.
 I currently have 15 responses, I really was aiming to gather at least double that and if I allowed more time I would received that may, however as the deadline is looming and I got back some really detailed responses I decided to cut it short here. This time round I also decided that I wouldn't present my findings in an infographic, the reason for that being the specific questions I asked would be more appropriately put together in a spreadsheet form, as the answers are long.

 Question 1 was asking the audience which design out of the 7 mock ups I had made was their favourite, there was a mixed response however the top three were 7, 3 and 5 as seen below.

- This was the most popular design by 33.3%, it features the leaves in their natural form, along with some shapes and marble dark background.

Number 1

-This was the second most popular design, it also features a dark background, however it features the leaves with a holographic effect that matches the logo along with shapes.

Number 2

-Lastly and surprisingly this design was the third most popular, it is the complete opposite in comparison to the other two designs as it has a light pink smokey effect.
Number 3

 This question was one of the most important questions out of the whole survey as it allowed my demographic to chose the things they would specifically gravitate towards and would prefer. For me I now know that they like the dark backgrounds, and I would also add to this conclusion to this question that they prefer the leaves natural rather than with the holographic clipping mask, however in another question I asked "Do you think the packaging looks better with the holographic leaves?" and 73% said YES.

 The least favourite designs were the two below, which was something I could have guessed. The reason for this is that when creating my questionnaire I realised that all my designs either had black or pink backgrounds, so in order to mix it up and give them a more colourful option I decided to make their backgrounds colourful. Below you can see the bottom two.

 'Why did your favourite design stand out to you and what makes it better than others?'
This question was also a rather important along with the question that followed. Gathering feedback straight from the consumers mouth and allowing them to say exactly what they think about a product makes my production a lot easier as I can tailor my products specifically to what they say and the overall opinion. I gathered a large array of detailed results for his question, all of which went into either great detail, or gave very short but useful feedback. 

A lot of the audience liked the contrast of colours along with the variation and vibe. This is perfect as that is exactly what I was aiming to achieve, I wanted my audience to like the overall look and vibe, the colours I wanted to stand out but not be too in your face. 
'If you could make any improvements what would they be?'
 This next question was just as important as the previous one because this is where the audience have the power to alter my designs and see what they would change if they could. I have inserted another screen shot for you to analyse showcasing a few of the results:

The overall opinion was to remove the shapes and make it more simple. I feel as though by removing the shapes and having the background as a subtle marble black background this would be achieved. In addition to this it seems as though the over all opinion was also to use the holographic more. This came as a surprise to me because I didn't want to go 'over the top' with the holographic so much that it becomes over used and tacky rather than a feature.

 From analysing these results that were completed by my audience I am able to alter and adapt my finial designs based around their opinions and preferences. It was important for me to produce this questionnaire before continuing with my final designs and adding them to my poster and website because I now have some relevant opinions on the packaging meaning that I have thought about my audience and they have been my priority. 

 Things I will apply from this to my final product...
  • I will make my final design after gathering these responses, I am going to change it to being a back marble (subtly done) background with holographic leaves and logo along with any additional features on the back (such as slogan, ingredients etc).
  • My audience is my priority and their overall opinions are the most important thing for me to move forward in this project. 

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